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We've given the Sookio website a totally fresh new look!

Not content with moving HQ in 2022, we thought we'd relaunch the website too!

Working again with Squarespace designer Krishna Solanki, we really wanted to showcase our portfolio, our sector expertise and all these recent campaigns of which we're so proud - with clients like the University of Cambridge Museums, NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Trust and Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire District Councils.

We've got case studies, we've got glowing testimonials, we've got plenty of best practice examples so you can see our work in action. And you’ll see fresh photography with the team, taken on the grounds of our new home, St John's Innovation Centre.

These are just some of the people you’ll get to work with - who will help you untangle your thinking!

We used this phrase because it really captures a common problem people present us with.

When you’re so deeply immersed in developing your product you can’t express simply what it does anymore…when you’re paralysed by choice in social media platforms, features and tools and can’t decide on the best way forward….or when you want to forge ahead with ideas but you’re the only marketing person in the business and need a reassuring sounding board…come to us!

We’ll help you untangle your thinking and unravel those knotty communications problems, clearing away the clutter so you can focus on the best strategic direction ahead.

Share your thoughts!

A big thank you to Krishna for being so brilliant in keeping the project on track, using all her specialist expertise in creating a beautiful Squarespace 7.1 website. We’d love to know your thoughts, so take a look around, and let us know what you think!